In this delightful series written by BabyLit author Jennifer Adams and illustrated by kidlit darling Greg Pizzoli, each book showcases a different city with sweet baby-appropriate text, ridiculously charming illustrations, and a light introduction to rhyme and opposites. High-chair travelers can explore the City by the Bay: cruise along the majestic Golden Gate Bridge, play with the sea lions at Pier 39, ride cable cars up steep hills, and have a picnic in lovely San Francisco.
Format: Board Book
Pages: 22
Size: 7 x 7
Publication Date: 07/18/2017
ISBN: 9781452153919
Greg Pizzoli won the Geisel Medal for his first book, and his subsequent books have continued to garner much acclaim. He lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Jennifer Adams is well known for her beloved BabyLit board book series. She lives in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Jennifer Adams is well known for her beloved BabyLit board book series. She lives in Salt Lake City, Utah.